Thursday, March 31, 2011

    Well, i'm so forst blog post. I could cry! From the horror of the knowledge that i'm doing this, or the disgust at the reasons i chose to create this, that's up in the air for someone else to decide. So... yeah. Btw, i should warn you that this will NOT be a child-friendly blog at some point. I tend to forget that certain people don't cuss, and I just do it. If you get offended, well sorry I guess. I'l try to edit it sayijg f&%k and that shit. Forewarning though, be happy I gave you that.
      So, on to the purpose of this. I have been trying to journal daily for some time now, and it always ends up being boring, and it lasts maybe two nights before I forget about the existance of  the writing book. And those few writings are always just rants about SOMETHING, so I figure that if I just post this crap online maybe, just maybe, i'll stick with it, while giving you internet personalities a look into my brain. Alright, rant number one!:
     First, to explain something, i will reveal that I sing. I believe that I have talent, and I love doing it, and mastering different vocal styles. However, my music favorites lie in the rock/punk/metal/alternative/industrial (ect. ect. there is alot of guitars, drums, and screaming) And the one vocal style in those I can't seem to properly master is the exhaled scream. I can inhale scream with the best of them, I can pig squeal, I can  growl, I cannot exhale scream worth shit. It hurts, and sounds like i'm dying (not in a good way). So in bordom I chose to look onto youtube (ahhh youtube, you've provided me with hours of useless entertainment.) for tutorials on it, just for fun. The video wasn't bad, and while the guy wasn't amazing, I'll grant him a fair scream. For the hell of it I started reading the comments. This poor boy was blamed for single-handedly bringing down the metal music scene. How is that his fault? So metallica and Pantera became old ass f%ks and Suicide Silenceand Black Veil Brides with As I Lay Dyingand Bury Your Dead moved in to take their place. So punk and Goth gave way to Emo and Scene, These things HAPPEN. Remember, Rock music is still reather new, one can't say that anyone is destroying what has yet to really grow into it's britches. Gods forbid this kid had long hair and piercings. People can really be cruel, they ripped on him till I could imagine a bloody corpse in his place. Why? Because people are assholes I guess.
     I'm impressed with Pandora tonight, it's choosing some very good songs...mind you I own them all, but still...Thumbs up! I refuse to go back and edit this tonight. Hopeit isn't too terrible!
With love, kisses, and kerosine;